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Motung 652(Universal Cyclops) - High-speed tool steel, has been around for a while. Popular choice for custom knives and high end and limited edition production knives as well. Gerber was using it as far back as in 90s. As a high speed tool steel
M2 can hold its temper even at very high temperatures, and as such is used in industry for high-heat cutting jobs such as drill bits and other metal cutting instruments. None of that is what conventional knives are designed for,
but as far as conventional knives are concerned M2 does have better wear resistance and toughness at the same hardness compared to such a popular knife steel as AISI D2. M2 makes better a blade steel, unless stain resistance is an issue. Benchmade used M2 in several knives, including AFCK,
710 HSS McHenry And Williams, Nimravus HSS, Ares, etc. As usual production knives are around 60-62HRC, but it's not really the optimum, at least not if you are aiming for best cutting efficiency and edge retention. 64 HRC M2 blades I have used were a lot better compared to those at 60HRC. At lower hardness M2 could be used for medium/large knives for heavy duty works I supose, but why bother, there are better choices for those tasks e.g. CPM 3V. For thin, high performance cutters, high hardness M2 works very well. Although, staring circa 2005 it gets replaced with AISI M4 high speed tool steel, which can be a bit harder, but more importantly has better toughness at the same hardness, which means better edge holding ability.
Manufacturing Technology - Ingot
Country - United States(US)
- Universal Cyclops Motung 652 and equivalent steel knives reviews
- M2 steel - Benchmade 800 AFCK knife review
- M2 steel - Benchmade 730-01 Ares knife review
- M2 steel - Benchmade 705CFHS Benchmade Forum Knife knife review
- M2 steel - Benchmade 710HSSR McHenry & Williams knife review
- M2 steel - Benchmade 140 HSSR Nimravus knife review
- M2 steel - Benchmade 145 HSSR Nimravus Cub knife review
- Standard Specs
- AFNOR - Z85WDCV-06-05-04-02
- AFNOR - Z85WDCV06-05-04-02
- AFNOR - Z90WDCV06-05-04-02
- AFNOR - Z85WDCV6-5-4
- AFNOR - X82WMoCrV6-5-4
- AISI - M2
- BS - BM2
- CSN - 19830
- DIN - S6-5-2
- DIN - SC6-5-2
- DIN - HS6-5-2C
- DIN - HS6-5-2S
- EN - HS652C
- EN - HS6-5-2
- EN - HS6-5-2C
- EN - X82WMoCrV6-5-4
- EN - HS652
- GB - W6Mo5Cr4V2
- GB - CW6Mo5Cr4V2
- GB - W6Mo5Cr4V2Co
- GOST - R6M5
- GOST - 85KH4M5F2V6L*
- GOST - 85X4M5F2V6L
- JIS - SKH51
- JIS - SKH51
- JIS - SKH9
- JUS - C.7680
- MSZ - R6
- PN - SW7M
- SIS - 2722
- STAS - RP5
- UNE - F.1352
- UNE - EM2
- UNE - F.5603
- UNI - HS6-5-2
- UNI - X82WMo0605KU
- UNI - X82WMoV6-5
- UNS - T11302
- W-Nr - 1.3341
- W-Nr - 1.3340
- W-Nr - 1.3343
- W-Nr - 1.3339
- W-Nr - 1.3553
- W-Nr - 1.3342*
- Proprietary Equivalents
- Akers - Alpha2
- Allegheny Technologies - Mustang
- Atlas Steel - Sixix
- Aubert & Duval - Rapide-M
- Aubert & Duval - RA6W
- Aubert & Duval - RA6
- Balfour & Darwins - Capital562
- Bestar - BE3343
- Bethlehem - 66HS
- Bohler-Uddeholm - S600
- Bohler-Uddeholm - KM2
- Bohler-Uddeholm - S601
- Bohler-Uddeholm - UHB29
- Boncato - B33
- Braeburn - Braemrow
- Carpenter - Micro-Melt M2
- Carpenter - Speed Star
- Carrs Tool Steels - Motor Magnus
- Columbia Steel - Molite2
- Cooks Steels - 6542
- DDR-TGL - X80WMo6.5
- DDR-TGL - X90WMo6.5
- Daido - MH51
- Daido - DAP MH51
- Deutsche Edelstahlwerke - Mo20
- Disston-Sons - 6N6M-2
- Dorrenberg - DMO5
- EST - DF6
- EST - DF6M
- Edgar Allen & Co - Stag Mo562
- Erasteel - TEM92
- Erasteel - T.E.M.
- Erasteel - EM2
- Finkl & Sons - DC Extra
- Firth Brown - Molycut562
- Firth-Sterling - Star-Mo M2
- GGD Metals - GGD-M2
- GSB Acero - RMO
- George H Cook & Co - 6542
- Geruk - GPM2
- Hagener Gussstahlwerke - PrestoMoPlus
- Heye - HYM2E
- Heye - HYM2
- Heye - HYTM2
- Hitachi - YXM1
- Houghton & Richards - H&R No.57
- Jessop Saville - J34
- Kind & Co - C65
- Kind & Co - Veronica65
- Kind & Co - C-65
- Klein Metals - SSR-M-5
- Kobelco Steel - KM1
- Latrobe - HS29
- Latrobe - E. Double Six M-2XL
- Latrobe - M2 Eur
- Latrobe - Double Six
- Latrobe - HS29-XL
- Lohmann - LO-S 3342
- Lohmann - NHMo
- Lohmann - LO-S 3343
- Metal Ravne - BRM2
- Mitsubishi Steel - Mach2
- Nachi Fujikoshi - SKH9
- Nachi Fujikoshi - HM2
- Nachi Fujikoshi - HS12M
- Nachi Fujikoshi - MH2
- Nippon Koshuha - H51
- Novo - Novo662
- Parkin - FMP562
- Platestahl - SVX526St
- Platestahl - SVX526
- Platestahl - SVX526Ex
- Poldi - MAXSPMo5
- Poldi - Maximum Special Mo5
- Poldi - MAXSMo5S
- Precision Marshall - TRM2
- Precision Marshall - TRM-2
- Riken Seiko - RHM1
- Rochling - Giant M5
- SIJ Metal Ravne D.O.O. - SIRapid 3343
- Samuel Osborn & Co - Cyclone92
- Samuel Osborn & Co - Mushet MKK
- Sanderson Kayser - Keylock A157
- Sanderson Kayser - Keylock A157
- Sanyo - QH51
- Schmidt+Clemens - MO5
- Schmolz Bickenbach - Rapidur 3343
- Schoeller Bleckman Steels - NorescoDHS
- Simonds - Molva-T
- Stahlwerk Stahlschmidt - HS55
- Stones Steels - HJS562
- Stora Steel - Stora29
- TES - TES3344
- Teledyne Technologies - Vasco M2
- Thyssen-Krupp - ThyRapid3343
- Thyssen-Krupp - 3343
- Thyssen-Krupp - Thyrapid3313
- Thyssen-Krupp-FR - TKM3343
- Villares Metals - VMM2
- Weld Mold - Weld Mold 966
- Zapp - SSLB50
- Zapp - SSWL50
- Ziv Steel - Red Shadow
NOTE - Approximate composition based on manufacturer's or standard reference information and other alloys in the same reference group is shown.
* - Listed as an equivalent or replacement for alloys in this group.
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