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Muzzle Energy Calculator/Graph Builder tool on Java

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Home > Ballistic Calculators

   Muzzle energy is calculated by the formula E=MV2/450400, for english UOM system & E=MV2/2000 for metric where:
M is bullet mass in grains or gramms depending on the UOM, 0 < M < 2000.00 grains or 130 gramms;*
V is the bullet velocity in ft/sec, 0 < V < 5000.00 fp/sec or 1500 m/sec;*
450400 comes from 7000 ( grains in lb ) by g=32.17 by 2. for english UOM;
2000 comes from 1000 ( grmms in kg ) by 2. for metric UOM;
   * - Only first two decimal digits are used.

For detailed instructions how to use the tool click Help.
Switch to the Power Factor Calculator for this data.


Copyright by 1999-2025. All rights reserved. Author: Zvi aka Gator -Contact Me.

  • ME - Muzzle Energy;
  • MV - Muzzle Velocity;
  • BM - Bullet Mass;
   Requirements: Java 1.1 or higher, supported by Netscape Browser 4.5 or higher & MSIE 4.072 or higher.

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