Few months ago(fall 2003) I was able to get this rather unique specimen. Generally, I was looking for 20" Ang Khola for some time already, but what I had in mind was a villager model. Those have satin finish and are more scratch resistant. Hence, I don't have to worry about tuning the beautiful mirror polished finish. Although, when I learned about this one, I just couldn't deny myself the pleasure of having it. This 20 inch long Ang Khola is made by Bura, one of the best kamis in Himalayan Imports shop. What makes this AK stand from the others 20 inch AKs is its thickness and the amount of metal that went into it. For not it is the heaviest and the thickest kukri I own.
- As usual, Ang Khola came in with standard setup - The kukri itself with leather sheath, plus karda and chakma. Very nicely made kukri and previous owner was very good at keeping it in shape. Blade came in well oiled, the handle wasn't shrunk. Overall sharpness I'd describe as good for the kukri. Later once I get my equipment for kukri sharpening I'll sharpen it to my liking though. Which for kukris is polished, shaving sharp convex edge. Better chopper that way, and the edge is stronger for heavy impact works such as chopping. The only complaint I have it eh overly tight sheath. It is difficult to get the blade in and out. Besides the blade weighs well over 4 lbs, and that only adds to difficulty. Later on I'm planning to get a new sheath for it. May be something more modern, but better fit for easier access.Blade
- Sure thing, it looks very impressive. Compared to 20" 18" AK looks slim and slender. 5/8 vs. 3/8 inch thickness :) Take a look at this shot to get the idea what I mean :) What you see there are 18", 20" and 12" AKs. Weight difference is also considerable. By now I have no problems handling 18"AK, but for Bura's 20" AK I still need to get better. Although if I need to chop something difficult I might choose 20" AK as well. Just for prolonged use I am not I can use kukri which is that heavy. We'll see. Back to the blade, other than it's thickness there are no special features. I have no complaints regarding the workmanship. As usual Bura's work is a top notch, and this kukri is no exception. All three items, kukri, karda and chakma are very well made and finished.Handle
- The usual, Bir-Gorkha handle made of wood. No gap between the wood and but cap. Not all that ergonomic and comfy, but does the job. I don't know if someone does handle customization work for kukris, because for the blade this heavy I'd really love to have more comfortable and ergonomic handle, Something more forgiving at least. I've mentioned in my other kukri reviews about the importance of the firm grip. Not sure how easy that will be with 4+ lb kukri ;) But practice makes it perfect.New Sheath
- The original sheath was standard Bir Gorkha one, wood and leather. Although with the kukri this big and thick it was a trouble. Drawing the kukri required both hands and occasionally legs too. Which was no fun, let alone safety ;) There's more than one thread on HI forums about fixing sheath problems, so feel free to check them out. However, considering those probs with my sheath and interest in custom sheaths made my decision and I went for David Brown's custom made Kydex sheathes. Although he's making sheathes since 99, this was my first work with him. Overall I can say I am pleased with the result. Dave is a nice guy to deal with, communication is fast and he does listen to what you say. Pricing is also reasonable for this type of work, i.e custom made sheath for non standard blades. Large one for 20" Ang Khola runs for $150 and smaller one for 12"AK was for $100. As for quality I have no complaints. Sheath job is top notch. Fits blades very well and drawing is very easy at the same time. Once U know the moves :) Now I can draw my 20" monster AK with one hand. Overall, those sheathes are highly recommended and I'll be working with Dave again. Pix in the gallery.So far I have not used this kukri. I'll post the results once I decide to do something with it.
- Blade - 381.00mm(15")
- Thickness - 15.87mm
- OAL - 508.00mm(20")
- Steel - 5160 steel at 58-60HRC
- Handle - Wood
- Acquired - 02/2005 Price - 200.00$
Last updated - 05/19/19